Monday, May 16, 2011

Summer's almost here!

Only 1.5 more weeks of school! Ahhh!

The last official day of school is May 26th, but I'll be done teaching by the 25th because the last day is just a half day with an Awards Assembly and Mass. The 8th graders graduated on Friday, so I have already taught them for the last time! Our last class involved finishing up their webpages and sharing them with their classmates.

I taught the Pre-K for the last time today! (They will be having their "Pool Day" next Monday). I love them so much, they are adorable!! I had them each show me their computer skills by logging in, opening up Internet Explorer, scrolling down, clicking on a link and maximizing the page. They did so well, I'm proud of them :) I almost started laughing out loud when one of the little boys started singing Bruno Mars' Lazy Song! He was like "I said it, I said cuz I can..." So cute!!

I have been loving teaching lately. This afternoon I was helping out in the 2nd grade room planning trips for their social studies projects. One of the groups was going to Rocky Point, two groups were planning on Disneyland, one going to Oakland (to see the Raiders! duh!) and one group was going to Vegas. It was so fun planning these imaginary trips with the kids on a giant map! Then, randomly, one of the little girls comes up to me with her hands in the shape of a gate and says "open the gate" So I opened it and then she was like "pick some flowers, how many flowers did you pick" and I said "5" and then she goes "You have 5 boyfriends and they are all jealous!" hahaha

So anyway, after school ends next week I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I have been looking for volunteer opportunities in the area. Originally I was going to be tutoring in the summer, but that kind of fell through. Now, it looks like I will be (hopefully) working part time at the Food Bank where Jeff works and part of the time someplace else (who knows!) I kind of want to construct my own schedule so that I don't have to work on Fridays (how sweet would that be?!) It's pretty exciting:)
Another thing about summer coming is the weather! It's starting to get HOT~ and without A/C (it broke!) it kind of sucked last week being in the 90's. Luckily this week is cooling off to the 80's, but soon enough it will be back up and into the 100's. Scary...

A fun thing I have been doing lately is starting to cook more Mexican style meals. Last week I made sweet potato, black bean and cheese enchiladas.
My first enchilada cooking experience and it tasted great! I even threw things into them that weren't in the recipe! (I added peppers, onions, cilantro and cheese, used corn tortillas instead of flour and fresh tomatoes instead of canned)
I'm making a sort of similar thing tonight: Black bean and corn quesadillas with guacamole! woo!

So, yeah. Life is good here in Tucson. I'm going to miss the kids when school is over! (well...most of them;)This is a prickly pear cactus (my favorite!) with flowers on it!

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