Monday, May 23, 2011

and runnin runnin....

The marathon is less than 2 weeks away! I've already run my longest run (17miles!) before the marathon and now it's just shorter runs and eating a lot (got that covered!)

Lately, I've been running with my housemates, which makes it a lot more fun! On my 17 mile run I ran the first 8 with Erin and Jen. And on Saturday, Jen ran 10 with me and Erin ran all 13.1 miles! (her first half marathon!!) This picture is from when we ran the VT run with the YAVs but still...look how happy we are while running! hehehe

Now on Thursday nights we've started to run as a whole community (Jeff too!) and it's been great. We are pretty crazy, dancing and singing in the streets, ya know....

I'm so happy that my training is almost complete! Especially since it's getting really HOT here! It's going to hit 100 degrees on Friday and I don't know if I'm quite prepared for that yet!!!

School is ending this Thursday so I get a 4 day weekend with Memorial Day, then I officially start working at the Food Bank! I'm going to be working with the Farmer's Markets on Tuesdays and Thursdays (and some Mondays). The rest of the days I'm going to volunteer at Casa Maria, the Catholic Worker community here in Tucson and/or I'll float around to volunteer other places as well. It'll be fun to have a more free schedule (as in not getting to work at 7:30am every M-F!)

Yesterday we went to Santa Cruz's (5th-8th grade) performance of Aladdin here at school. It was pretty good! There are definitely some kids that I will miss when school is over. (More so the little ones, but the play was still good!) I taught 7th grade for the last time today and I told them I won't be returning next year. One of the girls, Ajiah, asked me "Why? You don't like us or somethin?" haha. I was like "no...this is a one year commitment..." But yeah it's hard to explain to the kids why I am leaving so soon after just getting here this year! Luckily they will still have computer classes with the JV who is taking over my position next August!

It's actually kind of eerily quiet at school today since the Pre-K thru 4th graders are at their Pool Day. I guess they are much louder than the upper grades! But, it has been a good last Monday at school. Now only 2 and a half more days and school's out for the summer!

Going back to running...I'm actually taking a rest day today cuz I rode my bike to work.....that's cross training right? haha

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