--Pi Patel in Life of Pi when told his story is 'hard to believe'
So, I finally finished reading Life of Pi...it took me forever because I lost it, then Jeff found it under the couch (I swear I looked there;) and I finished it yesterday. That was my favorite quote from the end.
Speaking of hard to believe, school is over! It ended on Thursday for the students. The last day was pretty fun. There was an awards assembly, and a mass.
When I got back to my desk I saw that all the teachers had signed the card and I almost started crying. What they all said in the card was so nice. They also gave me a frame with Santa Cruz in it and a Chili's gift card. It was still hard to believe it was my last day there and I wouldn't be seeing these amazing kids and working with these incredible teachers ever again! During recess I
At the end of school, I was on duty outside the door so I got to say goodbye, sign yearbooks and take a few pictures. Elissa in the 5th grade gave me a rose. So cute. The first picture is me with my "little sister" in 4th grade, Angelica. My favorite student! The next one is Andrew from 5th, Duane from 2nd and Mya from 5th. Mya was my other favorite student. Yeah I had 2 favorites hahaha.
The last picture is of Christopher and Melissa, both from 3rd grade. Melissa was one of the better students in that class, and Christopher was one of the most difficult.
So, anyway that was my last day at school with the kids. On Friday I went back to clean up my desk and reset the passwords on the computers. I thought I'd only be there for a few hours, but I ended up staying all day, helping out different teachers clean up their classrooms. Although it was a little tough, it was also really fun. We listened to music and took down posters, organized books, and labeled desks. I'm going to see the teachers one more time tomorrow when I go to the ACE training with them, so that's when I'll say my goodbyes!
This weekend was great too! We had visitors from 2 JV houses in LA. It was nice showing them around Tucson. Then, Meghan came on Saturday and we got to spend the whole day together! In the morning we went to Starbucks chatted and caught up. We then went to her family friends house. We hung out by their pool and had BBQ food. (veggie burgerrr) Then we all went over to the Tucson Padres baseball game. I had never been to a baseball game in the US (only in Japan,
Another thing hard to believe--in only 5 days I will be running 26.2 miles!!! ahhhhh
Overall, tho it's been a good week. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to work at Santa Cruz this year!