Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween/Dia de Los Muertos!

Heeeyyyy! So our Halloween weekend here was really fun! On Friday night we went over to the Mennonite volunteers' house in costumes! I was a unicorn (child's costume), Erin was Bob the Builder, Jen was a cow and Jeff was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz (yes he wore a blue dress!!) Unfortunately, Jen has all the pictures from that night and hasn't posted them on Facebook so I don't have them, but they are on her blog if you want to see (here) Saturday and Sunday of that weekend were pretty lazy days. We slept over at the Mennonite house Friday night and ended up staying a lot of Saturday just hanging out and watching movies (Anchorman!)

This weekend was the Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) parade. One of the two houses from Phoenix came down to stay the weekend and that was really fun! There are 5 of them and they all really cool people (and funny!) On Saturday we went on a hike in Sabino Canyon to 7 falls (more like little ponds, but that's ok!) I took like one picture of it on my phone -- wow I need to get better with pictures here! Anyway, um that hike was really great! I love nature, it's so nice to get out of the city! Even though Tucson isn't a big city, it's still concrete and cars I like to get away from!

On Sunday was the parade! People dress up as skeletons and parade down 4th ave. through downtown. We actually didn't dress up, but some of our friends did. Even though we weren't dressed up, we still walked in most of the parade! At the end there is a huge show/concert/acrobatic thing. It was hard to see so we went to a nearby parking garage to watch from there. There was a giant paper urn that they burnt and a big crane with a jellyfish type thing and people hanging off...craziness! I got a couple pics of that on my phone too so I'll upload those soonish! The people we were marching with for a bit (Casa Mariposa) made a video of the parade (here)
So, yeah it was great. They made a big thing with butterflies on it-one for each person who died crossing the US-Mexico border this year.

So, those were the last two weekends. Other stuff that's going on-Nora, our site coordinator, is visiting us for a week from Santa Clara. She meets with each of us and our supervisors, then we have a retreat day on Friday. Also, Veteran's Day is Thursday, so I've got a three day work week!
And, our house has started to play this awesome board game called Settlers of Catan. It sounds kinda silly, collecting resources like sheep and wheat, then creating settlements and cities. It's kind of a cross between Risk and Monopoly, but it's really cool!

Yeppp that's my life right now! I've been running to train for the half marathon, but I fell on our hike on Saturday and when I ran today my leg still hurt :( but hopefully it feels better soon and I can run more than 2.5 miles like I did today! haha. It's also actually getting cold in Tucson! The high today was like 69! crazzyyy

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