Tuesday, October 26, 2010

End of October!?!

October is coming to an end--Halloween is on Sunday!!! Looking back on the month, I have definitely done a lot and at times it felt really slow moving, but now that the month is basically over, I'm thinking, where did the time go? Last weekend on Saturday I was walking back home after a concert at Plush with Jen and I was thinking--wow I don't want this year to end! It needs to go slower!!! But then there are those days that you just want to end--like any time I have to teach the 3rd graders *shudder*

I also still wish I knew my housemates better than I do. We did start having a good convo during Spirituality night on Sunday. But it feels the opposite of Freshman year in college where I felt like I knew everyone so well after a month. I do feel like I know my community pretty well, but sometimes I think--wow I really don't know that much about them. We have only known each other since August. I should probably make more of an effort, but sometimes after work it's nice to just hang out and talk or read a book. (I finished the Dragon Tattoo books btw!! very good~!!!)

So anyway, life goes on. Saturday we tailgated the U of A vs Washington game with some ACE people, which was an interesting expeience. I'm definitely glad I didn't go to a huge state school. It's kinda fun for the whole football atmosphere but I think that would get old really fast.I've also found (from what I've seen) that a lot of the U of A girls are a lil skanky. Jen was joking about wearing a red dress to the tailgate and when we got there we not only saw girls in short red dresses, but also girls in booty shorts and cut up t-shirts and so on. I mean, every school has got some girls like that, but this school seems to have more...?

Oh and I've decided to run the Tucson Half Marathon in December! I'm out of shape, but slowly getting back into it. My roommates think I'm a natural runner because I can run 4 miles without training. But that's completely opposite to how I think because I compare myself to my mama and sista who are super good at running--and me--not so much! haha. I did make it 4 miles yesterday with average pace at 9:48 so that was pretty good after only running once in the last week! I'm starting to run after work now which is nice (and the temperature has cooled off enough that I can actually do that!)

Oh some pictures from JVC orientation are up on Flickr at this link (Click)
This one is of the Santa Clara University group!
This is the whole group! I'm in the back mid/left
This is our CASA!

So, yeah. Oh and I got an aweessommmee package from the parentals yesterday that included candy, cookies and bike lights which are key because we can now ride in the dark~!!! (still need a 4th bike, but will hopefully get one soon!)

Peace Out

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