Monday, August 30, 2010

Making new friends, Museum, and Redecorating!

So, our weekend was pretty chill. On Friday night, we hung out with the Mennonite volunteers (no they aren't Amish) at their house and ended up playing cards with them for 3 hours! It was an intense game of President! They are actually completely normal (different from what I expected after Googling "Mennonite")!! And there are four of them, four of us! [also one guy, three girls] So, yeah new friends! With the ACErs that brings our total of outside friends to 11!

Saturday we went to the Desert Museum and it was really cool! We got to see lots of cacti, animals, and rocks! They had javelina there (kinda like boars) that I had never seen before and a mountain lion! Oh and a big bear too, but he was sleeping and wouldn't wake up even though we were like "wake up bear!~" lol. We also decided we would probably die in the wild because we are the ones provoking a bear! The museum was very well put together though and even included a hike to get around the desert setting. The cacti that were flowering were so pretty! I took some pictures, but they are still on my camera. The saguaro cacti look like this!! They grow so slowly (about a 1/4 inch per year!)

They also had a cave area with bats and they had this big thing where you stick your head in and hear like a bat would hear. (If we were bats, our ears would be this big!) We each took a picture in the bat hearing thing:

On Sunday, we moved our furniture around and redecorated our living room and kitchen! I'll take some pictures and put them up here when I get Cricket internet (hopefully tomorrow, but it could take a lot longer! who knows!!!) We stopped by the thrift store to get some pictures for the walls and a couple board games (Life and Clue, good ideas for Community nights!) Then we had a JVC potluck with our agencies, support people, and former Jesuit Volunteers. It was really great to see everyone who helped put our house together and those who are going to help us out this year all together in the same room! Plus, they brought tons of food and we got the leftovers! Woo!

So, yep! It's going pretty well. Having a good time at work too. Little Anthony V. in first grade ran up to me today on my way back to my trailer and he said "Hey! What's your name again?" I was like "Miss Devlin" and he was like "Miss Devlin, I'm playing Halo" and was holding an imaginary gun. I was like "Oh that's cool, are you shooting aliens?" and he said "No, they are more like gorillas" and then ran off. So cute!

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