Sunday, August 14, 2011

Looking Back

When I think about the year I spent in Tucson, I am so appreciative for everything that happened and all the amazing people that I met. I honestly have cried more about leaving Tucson than I have about anything else in my life. Which is kind of strange since it's not like I won't be able to see these people again or visit Tucson. I think what has made me so sad is thinking that if/when I go back there, it won't be the same. All my housemates and volunteer friends are spreading around the country and now 5 strangers live in the house I called home this last year.

I never thought that one year could make such a difference in my life. I could not have predicted how the people I interacted with and the city I lived in could change me so much. Thinking about the person I was before JVC started, well....let's just say I'm "ruined for life."

I was going to make a huge long list of things that I will miss (like watching the sunset off our friends' roof, casa mariposa, the kids at school, the cacti) but really what I will miss is how loved I felt by everyone. At work, all the teachers and kids were so amazing. On the weekends (and hump days!) we hung out with our awesome friends. And at home with my community.

I lucked out in having 3 people that made JVC so much better than I could have ever imagined. I am going to miss our community the most. I think my favorite part was the dinners we had together. We made an effort to make great food for each other. We each ended up with a spot around the table. We would push all of our crap to one side, Jen and Erin would get their special small forks, and Jeff would get confused on where we sat. We'd sit down and just talk about anything and everything. I loved it.

So anyway, thank you to everyone who made my year in Tucson so incredible. Know that I love you and miss you and will always remember the time we spent together.

(the song "Good Life is stuck in my head)
I feel like there might be something that I'll miss
I feel like the window closes oh so quick
I'm taking a mental picture of you now
cuz hopelessly
The hope is we have so much to feel good about

1 comment:

  1. SCHMAITY! i miss you, the house, the little forks, Hump Day Hangout, saguaro...the list goes on and on....sooo much. and now i'm crying at work =(
