Tuesday, July 26, 2011

about to cry :(

So, it's getting really close to the end...like...um...5 days left here? We leave next Monday morning, so everything has now become the "last time" we do that. Like the last time we get frozen yogurt, our last road trip together, etc. And this weekend will be our last weekend here :(

I keep finding myself on the verge of tears over little things, but really I'm just sad that I'm leaving this city I've grown to love and my friends and housemates.

We just got back from a weekend retreat in southern California, our last retreat with all the southwestern JVs, called "Dis-Orientation." we had lots of time to reflect, and I have to say I've been feeling pretty disoriented. Sometimes we pretend we'll be here for another 6 months because it's easier than saying, "well I won't be here next week."

I really do hate goodbyes.

When we got back yesterday we had dinner with our friends at Lindy's, an awesome burger place (good veg burgers too!) on 4th ave. It felt so great to see them, but also sad that it's one of our last times seeing them...

I even almost started crying last night when Erin was just hanging out by our door saying goodnight. I was thinking, well pretty soon I'm not going to see Erin in person anymore cuz Baltimore is so far from Spokane!

It's so hard to say goodbye to the amazing experience this year has been. What's getting me through this week is thinking about how great next year will be as well. I'm doing another year of JVC and I'm going to keep in contact with my friends, so it won't be so bad.

Still, I can't help but tear up thinking about leaving...:(

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

3 weeks

Just 3 weeks from yesterday I will be driving away from Tucson, from this amazing life-changing experience. And 3 weeks from today will be the first day I wake up not in my bed in Casa Nacho anymore!

It's hard to believe this year is almost over. It has been challenging and frustrating at times, but also rewarding and one of the best years of my life. I will definitely miss my friends I have met and lived with here this past year.

Since we are almost done, we have decided to spend as much time with our friends as possible. This includes "hump day hangouts" on Weds nights and pretty much hanging out every day of the weekend!

On the 4th of July weekend, most of our friends were gone, but Amy and Ana were still here so we hung out with them a lot! And we went to a lake! That's right there's actually water in Arizona. Weird. This is pic stolen from Jen of us at the lake. Good times:)

Last weekend we also spent lots of time with our friends. We went out to the bars on Friday, went to a house party on Saturday and had some people over on Sunday as well. The weekend felt really long, which was nice.

And now, this weekend is our LAST WEEKEND with our friends (next weekend is Dis-Orientation in California, and then the final weekend we will be packing and Ana will already be gone:(

I'm still getting used to the idea of not living here. Some days I'm ready to leave and other days I'm like awww I'm gonna miss everyone!